"There is no more regard for statements of truth in law. Little attention is given to (one's) demeanour in life. The sovereignty of the Rulers is turned into an issue," he said.
Abdullah said not all of the people believed in the negative perceptions but it was portrayed that more people had become trapped in that situation.
"Conduct attributed to the truth is not appreciated. What is appreciated is the perception, and along with it the lies.
"Perception negates the truth. The truth is no longer talked about. The important thing is the perception," he said.
Abdullah said perceptions had influenced the attitudes and options of some people in the making of decisions, including those related to investment and business.
He said this must be rectified but, unfortunately, it had become a subject which the people were most interested in, so much so that it had become word of mouth and they resorted to exaggeration.
"The people must be appeased so as not to have any fear of a possible shortage of food. They must be pacified so as not to have any worry over their own safety and that of their families," he said.
Our PM wants to be Socrates or Plato izit?

(from Mobscrib)
Now need to write Dear PM letter pulak.
Dear PM,
Before you lament about the current state of affairs as to why perception is preferred to conduct attributed to truth. Wait, before we proceed, how do you determine that the conduct attributed to truth to be true? While perception of lies to be lies?
People turn to their own instinct actually when it comes to accepting a perception. PM, IF... only IF, you have ensured the judiciary to be independent, the Police to be independent, the Media to be independent, the ACA to be independent. Then it will not lend much credence to a perception. Would it?
IF only you have ensured that PI Bala got the protection as accorded to Saiful, IF only you have not gone on hearsay to put HINDRAF 5 into Kamunting. IF only you have released them after there are no evidence linking them to terrorism. IF only you have ensured that indelible ink was used in the last GE and not retracted at the last minute due to some obscure reports of sabotage. I am sure, perception of your propagated lies will remain as LIES and your conduct of truth will remain as truth.
But alas, it was not to be. You have gone back on every word you have given. You have given the people many reasons to doubt your so called conduct of truth. Hence when the perception of lies can be validated by proof put forth while your conduct of truth remain just a verbal re-assertation, it becomes glaringly clear to many that the conduct of truth that you have been talking all these while has been your PERVERTED TRUTH that you believe in. Its no longer truth in the eyes of the people.
While your crusade against the perception of lies fell flat because of the victims have been able to provide proof to vindicate themselves off the truth you claimed them to be which was indeed nothing more but lies. This is what happens when truth are lies and lies are truth... people will begin to exercise their own judgement hence their perception. While you perceive it to be lies, we hold on to it as the truth till proven otherwise. What you deem as your conduct of truth, meanwhile has been disputed and smashed to smithereens with evidences put forth, thus you will need to build your credibility from scratch and nothing less than a genuine 100% effort to overhaul of the entire system is needed to bring back the credibility to your goodself. Nothing more than ensuring fairness in all decisions will it bring credibility back to your goodself. That reminds me... playing bully earns you 10 DISCREDIT POINTS. (eg. Reducing Federal Budget for Penang).
So dear PM, the decision is yours. Stop living in your cocoon. Come out into real world for once before you attempt another Socrates-sque statement.